New Year dip the apple into honey, a good and sweet year:
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What a busy time ...
It seems that the period before the New Year has one word out in
It comes in all sizes, plastic jars, glass, bottles, all colors, and
He can be imported or local, solid or liquid, pure or with additions, in
short not boring on the shelf.
Honey of Ido is a small apiary young farm seat cob Negev.
Ido Shahar, born in Arad, a graduate of Plant Protection Faculty of
Agriculture, says of himself that he does not know a moment to sit still.
And within a long period of time, along with Dana, his partner, set up
Farm Ido includes the apiary with organic farming ("the goal of protecting
the environment and us").
Where did it start?
Edo: "childhood. Remember well my dream even in small matters was
to be a farmer, working the land, with large hands and rough ... World bee drew
me to it only during my studies at the Faculty of when I chose the course
beekeeping. It started beehive one on the roof of the building where we rented
an apartment and slowly slowly grew.
Deborah is a fascinating life and I love the profession. This mingling
country, to points where the hives are placed exposes me to nature, tranquility
and serenity, it fills you up.
What is the vision?
Dana: "beehive organic would be fantastic. Already started trying
to draw the apiary existing organic agriculture but there are many difficulties
along the way. Particularly difficult to locate grazing fit. Almost and there
is no grazing land available, and those that exist are shrinking because
industrialization, urbanization and loss endless open spaces
Sad what is happening to nature in our country. As if no one cares what
tomorrow will bring only think of instant solutions to the here and now. We as
a country are infinitely stupid moves some irreversible as to destroy the open
beaches and wild, build new settlements and industrial areas at the expense of
reserves, parks, sands and what is not. Sentiment no longer a piece of open
land, and pity. "

So how do you describe the current period of Rosh Hashana?
Edo: "busy. We love this pressure and work from morning to night. I
love the references of customers who are interested in wanting to learn and be
enlightened on the world of honey and bees. Established a web site, a
substantial portion of which deals with knowledge and information for those
interested, and I used to refer first of all to.
Now also begins the period of the end of summer and beginning of autumn.
Was a hot summer this year, I spent the time with gallons of water to water the
bees who are also hot. And now comes the relief and further preparations for
winter. It's one of the things that I find charming in this profession, you are
living the life cycle and the Wheel of the Year.
What have you got?
Dana: "First of all honey varieties. Means different types of honey
produced almost exclusively in certain species of flower, such as honey,
avocado, Salmon, tamarisk, etc.. Addition we have a series of herbs and honey,
the series can be found in honey lavender (amazing for me) , mint, Louisa, sage
and cinnamon. really people like that concept. during the winter when we have the
Southern flowering tasting booth at the fair Moshav Sde Zvi and fun to see how
each one of a different flavor connect
Fun also hear good reviews and support, just an endless encouragement
gives a push forward to continue to develop.
We must point out that since we are a small apiary all done here by
hand, the product is the most natural marble, honey does not go in the machine,
not heated can hurt him, and overall we are very proud of our products.
With honey We also manufacture propolis, pollen and is currently working
on producing honey liqueur.
For the holiday can of course also buy gift packs a variety of styles
and prices. Trying to meet all the demand, request or need that comes from
customers. "

In conclusion?
Edo: "First of all like to wish a good year. Sincerely hope that we
will merit the winter well. While high rainfall and well dispersed in terms of
profits while I'm honest feel it in my girls (bees, of course), but also in
terms of vegetation, flowering, insects, birds , in celebration of nature that
can not be described in words
I encourage each and every one to visit the south, walk more and
strengthen our children and our connection to the environment and nature. "

Ido's honey site:
And facebook: